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Wonderfully Made Baby Blankets
Psalm 139:14

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."


Born in 2012, Wonderfully Made Baby Blankets, Inc. was founded by Colleen Domoslai's passion to help those in need, especially babies. Her love of God's Word lead her to Psalm 139:14. While crocheting with her daughters, He impressed upon her heart how babies and blankets are both "fearfully and wonderfully made." 

In her relentless pursuit of how this idea could be manifested, she began to seek out senior homes to locate seniors who would donate their time and skills to make baby blankets. She supplied them with the yarn, tools, and loving support they needed.


Baby related organizations were contacted and responded positively to receiving our blankets. The involvment of high school students with their required community service credits helps to engage the community in this endeavor.

With the outpouring of interest received, Colleen established the nonprofit corporation, Wonderfully Made Baby Blankets, Inc. It endeavors to attract support from a variety of grantmakers, donors, and volunteers that will enable the organization to be self-sustaining. 

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